Title: OSP Fiber Optic Technician
Title: OSP Fiber Optic Technician
... on zero decibel.
Multi-dwelling Units (MDUs)
As property Investor you will gain these benefits when we design, plan and deploy fiber for your proposed Multi-dwelling Unit; incorporated in the design of the property:
The Pros
Your property will have ‘ready- made’ internet facility for superfast, reliable and cost-effective connectivity with virtually inexhaustible bandwidth (capacity). Ideal for CATV, Internet and Voice, all in one place. A consumer is allowed to "bundle" their communications services; could receive telephone, video, audio, television simultaneously, an arrangement that is more cost effective and simpler than receiving those services via different lines, as is often the case today.
Offer High- Speed Internet Amenity: More now than ever, tenants are looking for the most value for their money. Traditional amenities like a pool, gym and cable TV just aren’t as important as they once were. Presently, the number one request for amenity for apartments is high-speed internet which fiber optics offers
Reduced Occupant Turnover: Keeping occupant turnover rate low can majorly cut back on new -resident expenses. Access to gigabit fiber internet via fiber optics can increases tenant satisfaction, retention rates and likelihood of getting a referral. Installing fiber optics cable in the apartment is a win-win for the property owner and the residents
Increased Property Value: Installing metro fiber network for FTTh is a viable business strategy. The investment will be future- proofed by having such telecommunication installation.
Future -Proofed Property: One limitation of traditional copper wiring is its reduced bandwidth capabilities. Each year the need for bandwidth increases as new technology arises- and consumer demand rises with it. Fortunately, fiber optics does not have bandwidth limitations. Installation of fiber optics cabling in the apartment complex will future-proof the property to handle resident needs for years to come. And it can last up to 70 years.
Future Ready: It is able to handle even the futuristic Internet use, such as IoT (Internet of Things), 3D holographic high definition television and games, and Smart-homes integration, etc which ONLY fiber optics connection can afford.
Breaking The ISP Service Monopoly: With design based on technology interoperability, property investor or estate management can switch Service Providers in the event of poor QoS and QoE. This opposes the situation where the design/deployment is vendor-specific, which service monopoly can be leveraged on by the service provider.
Differentiating Your Property: In the area where apartment complexes compete but do not offer high-speed internet via fiber optics, installing fiber optics would be a huge leg up for market differentiation
Marketing: To have a successful residential property business, there is the need to stay ahead of the curve and beat the competition. Using fiber optics internet as a selling point in the apartment marketing plan is a proven effective strategy
Contact us today, as we are ever-ready to work with your architects, designers, planners, consultants and engineers in achieving the deployment at your facility.
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